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February 28, 2025
Spain | Quarterly Labor Market Observatory 4Q2024
In this edition of the QLMO, we analyze labor market trends using data available up to 4Q 2024. We assess the evolution of key indicators, examine recent labor market flows, and focus on green skills as well as gender differences in employment and pensions.
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February 27, 2025
Spain | What sectors are driving the increase in productivity within the country?
Productivity per hour worked has returned to the growth path experienced in the 2014–2018 period. Following a worrying stagnation during the two years leading up to the pandemic, this indicator got back to an annual growth rate of 1.1% between 2022 and 2024, while the same indicator stagnated in the wider EMU.
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February 26, 2025
Spain | Aragon Economic Outlook. 2025
Aragon's GDP growth in 2024 could have reached 3.0%, and will continue with an increase of 2.2% in 2025 and 1.8% in 2026. The dynamism is supported by domestic demand, favoured by the fall in inflation and interest rates and the increase in wages and employment.
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February 24, 2025
Spain | More renewables to continue lowering costs
The increased penetration of renewable energies in Spain, especially solar and wind, has reduced wholesale electricity prices by 20% in the last three years and could cut them by a further 20% by 2030 if the ambitious PNIEC targets are met.
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February 24, 2025
Spain | A pending economic transformation
So far, the impact of the Next Generation EU funds on investment and productivity has been less than expected. However, with a broad consensus and structural reforms, Spain should be able to realize its potential and consolidate more solid, sustainable, and productive growth.
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February 17, 2025
Spain | Reducing the workday through agreements, investment, and productivity gains
The parliamentary process should amend the proposal so that the reduction of the workday happens gradually, with increases in productivity and through collective bargaining, minimizing distortions and avoiding additional inefficiencies in the labor market.
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February 14, 2025
Spain | Reaping the Benefits of Renewable Energy in the Spanish Economy
This study investigates how much the growing penetration of low-marginal-cost renewables contributes to lowering prices, and whether a ‘merit-order effect’ could limit the further expansion of renewable energy in Spain.
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February 13, 2025
Spain | Monetary policy pass-through in the loosening cycle
Spanish banks are rapidly translating the reduction in official interest rates to new lending operations' interest rates, which benefits borrowers. In the case of deposits, the transmission is slightly slower than in the hiking cycle, which benefits depositors.
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