Rafael Doménech
Rafael Doménech
BBVA Research - Head of Economic Analysis

Rafael Doménech is the Head of Economic Analysis of BBVA Research and Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia.

MSc in Economics, London School of Economics. PhD in Economics, University of Valencia. Director General at the Economic Bureau of the Spanish Prime Minister (2007-8). He also has been director of the International Economic Institute and member of the Advisory Board of the University of Valencia. External researcher of the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Finance and the Fundación Rafael del Pino. He was appointed by the Spanish Government as a member of the Expert Committee on the Sustainability Factor of the Public Pension System.

Fellow of the Spanish Economy Association. He has been member of the editorial boards of the main Spanish journals in Economics. He has published numerous articles in well-known international scientific journals on economic growth, human capital, business cycles, and fiscal and monetary policies. He is author of two books on the Spanish economy: The Spanish Economy: A General Equilibrium Perspective (Palgrave MacMillan) and En Busca de la Prosperidad and La Era de la Disrupción Digital (Deusto).

Latest publications

This presentation, delivered on the 10th anniversary of the BBVA Pension Institute in Portugal, analyzes the economic forecasts for Portugal and Spain, and the challenge of long-term aging of their population, as one of the challenges facing public systems pensions in Europe.
Despite higher recent GDP growth, the productivity of the Spanish economy has been falling behind that of the EU, making convergence in per capita income difficult. The projections of the Ageing Report 2024 do not foresee any improvement in the outlook.
In the face of unequivocal evidence of climate change, the challenge is to decouple economic development from greenhouse gas emissions with more ambitious policies aimed at achieving a socially just transition by internalizing the costs of emissions and promoting green innovation and private investment.