Mert Zobi
Mert Zobi
BBVA Research - Economist

Mert Zobi works as an Assistant Economist at Garanti BBVA. Joined the bank and the research team as an intern in July 2022, he started working full time as of April 2023.

His main responsibilities include creating and maintaining big data indicators for economic and financial variables, as well as conducting analysis on various matters. He holds an Economics degree from Özyeğin University.

Latest publications

This study demonstrates how expenditures between regions can be used to estimate domestic tourism, and gain further insights into its dynamics. We discuss additional use cases of the methodology, and offer suggestions on how it can be specialized for asking different types of questions.
Türkiye is integrated along the GVCs with strong backward and forward linkages, while searching for new opportunities in international trade. We devise an export diversification strategy to detect products and sectors that could be attained with Türkiye’s know-how and provide higher value added in trade.