Mauricio Escalera Franco
Mauricio Escalera Franco
BBVA Research - Senior Economist

Mauricio Escalera holds a degree in Economics from Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC) and a master's degree in Economic Analysis from the Barcelona School of Economic (BSE).

Previously, he has worked in the public and private sector in projects of cost-benefit of regulation, competition analysis in telecommunications, reengineering of government processes, financial analysis in clean energy projects, smart specialization strategies (RIS 3), competition research in digital markets and implementation of national entrepreneurship programs in Guatemala and simplification of procedures at the national level in Mexico.

He also has international experience working on projects in Guatemala, Ecuador, Spain and Ukraine. As well as has taught classes on economic competition at TEC.

Latest publications

As of 1Q24, Mexican exports totaled 144 billion dollars and imports totaled 146 billion dollars. 82.7% of Mexican´s exports went to the US and manufacturing exports totaled 127.1 billion dollars, 88.5% of the total. FDI as of 1Q24 amounted 20.3 billion dollars, 13.6% lower than 1Q23.
Avocado is one of Mexico's main consumption and export products. We estimate the GDP of avocado from 2018 to 2022 by the production method using a deterministic approximation and official sources. The results are consistent with the growth that the product has experienced in production and monetary value in recent years.
FDI in Energy between 2006 to 2023, presented peak levels between 2013 to 2018, with 55.3% of investment in this period which coincide to regulatory changes that allowed private participation. The same has plummeted between 2019 and 2023, being 50.1% lower if compared against the period from 2013 to 2017.