Juan José Li Ng
Juan José Li Ng
BBVA Research - Senior Economist

Juan José Li Ng works as Senior Economist in Mexico on issues of migration, remittances, development and evaluation since 2011. It is part of the team that makes the periodical publications Migration Outlook Mexico and Yearbook of Migration and Remittances Mexico.

He supports and performs technical studies for the BBVA Foundation in Mexico. He has served as consultant for numerous public programs of federal agencies as: the National Institute for Women, Nacional Financiera, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Social Development, Oportunidades, SAGARPA, PEMEX, CONAFE, IFE, DICONSA, LICONSA, among others. He has taught at the UNAM the courses of Mexican economy, microeconomics, and financial mathematics.

He studied economics at the Faculty of Economics at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and later the MA in economics at El Colegio de Mexico. He has worked in the Ministry of Health and the Interactive Museum of Economics.

Latest publications

After the start of the pandemic in the US, the Latino employed population had a more dynamic recovery, and by November 2021, 19 months after its lowest point, it had already been able to recover to its pre-pandemic levels. In contrast, the non-Latino population recovered until January 2023, 33 months later.
The labor poverty indicator in Mexico was 35.8% during the first quarter of 2024, reaching its lowest level in nearly 17 years, specifically, since the third quarter of 2007, when it was 35.2%.
Remittances to Mexico fell 3.3% in March. Thus, they culminate a streak of 46 consecutive months with growth, which lasted between May 2020 and February 2024. During this period, remittances increased in annualized terms from 38.8 billion to 63.6 billion dollars, which is equivalent to a total increase of 64.1%.