Juana Téllez
Juana Téllez
BBVA Research - Chief Economist

Ms. Téllez is the chief economist of BBVA Research Colombia. In this role, she leads our team of economists providing economic, financial, sectorial and regulatory analysis of the Colombian economy.

Prior to joining BBVA Research, she worked for the Research Unit at the Colombian Central Bank and served as an advisor to the Office of the Deputy Technical Governor. At the central bank, she also served as economist in areas related to banking, finance and macroeconomics. Ms. Téllez was also teaching assistant at the Javeriana University Department of Economics, where she was the editor for the department’s magazine.

Ms. Téllez received her B.A. in economics from Javeriana University and her Ph.D. and M.A. in economics from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London. She is the author of several publications in refereed journals and a regular columnist for several Colombian media.

Latest publications

The BBVA Forum is a quarterly event aimed at the bank's clients. In each edition, we present a summary of our global and national economic outlook as a contribution to their short- and medium-term financial decisions.
Colombia's economic growth will begin to accelerate gradually during the second half of the year. Domestic demand is expected to consolidate by 2025. Growth is projected at 1.8% in 2024 and 2.8% in 2025. Inflation will continue to decrease, enabling the Central Bank to expedite rate cuts from the end of the year.
This year will go from less to more, but it could trend even more positively if investment gains momentum. This hinges on broader factors like the country's medium-term outlook concerning growth, fiscal matters, regulations, and inflation, among others.