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    Federico Daniel Forte
    Federico Daniel Forte
    BBVA Research - Principal Economist

    Federico Forte is Principal Economist of BBVA Research Argentina since October 2019. Prior to joining BBVA, he was Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA), parliamentary advisor specialized in fiscal issues at the National Congress, and research assistant in the Economics Research team of HSBC Bank Argentina.

    Federico is since 2015 professor of Economics at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He has also been professor of Monetary Theory and Policy, Macroeconomics and Statistics in undergraduate and graduate courses at UBA and Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

    He is in charge of monitoring the monetary conditions of the Argentine economy and the FX-market.

    He holds a bachelor's degree (Magna Cum Laude Honours) and a master’s degree in Economics from University of Buenos Aires.

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