Diego Pérez González
Diego Pérez González
BBVA Research - Economist

Diego is an economist at the Climate Change Cluster of BBVA Research. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Oviedo, where he also spent a year as an exchange student at Maastricht University. During those four years, he acquired strong knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics.

In the last year, he successfully completed the Master’s in Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets at the Barcelona School of Economics. During his time there, he had the opportunity to become familiar with advanced techniques in macroeconomic modeling, time series analysis, and forecasting. Additionally, he was able to delve into various programming languages.

Throughout his studies, Diego developed a keen interest in economic research, which materialized in the completion of Bachelor’s and Master’s projects.

Latest publications

The cost of capital is vital for renewable energy projects due to high investment needs, policy uncertainty, and early-stage risks. De-risking strategies can lower costs, particularly in developing economies. However, for emerging cleantech, these strategies must balance innovation and competition.
The Letta report provides a comprehensive assessment of the European Union's single market and contains a set of policy proposals for its future development. They have the potential to impact the European strategic agenda for the next few years, particularly to strengthen the green transition with targeted recommendations.
Forest-based carbon markets offer significant opportunities for developing countries but require robust institutional frameworks, effective governance, and comprehensive policies to maximize benefits and mitigate risks.