Alejandro Reyes González
Alejandro Reyes González
BBVA Research - Principal Economist

Mr. Reyes is the principal economist of BBVA Research Colombia.  He is an economist in our team providing economic, financial, sectorial and regulatory analysis of the Colombian economy.
Prior to joining BBVA Research, he worked for a local brokerage firm as Chief Economist leading a group of experts in capital markets and the local and international economy.  Before this he worked for the Central Bank as an economist in the Inflation and Financial Programming Department where he followed the real sector, inflation, external sector and was in charge of the central forecasting model.  Mr. Reyes was also a Lecturer at Javeriana, Rosario and Andes universities.
Mr. Reyes received his B.A. and M.A. in Economics from Javeriana University and later a MSc. in Economics (research) at the London School of Economics.  He is the author of publications in refereed journals and a columnist for Colombian media and speaker in specialized seminars.

Latest publications

Banrep's Board maintained the pace of rate cuts of the last meetings, with a 50bp reduction in June, accumulating a total of 200bp since it began its downward rate cycle in December 2023. The decision was split, with 4 members in favor of the 50bp reduction, two members in favor of a 75bp reduction.
There are a wide number of important economic indicators that are not broadly disseminated when we refer to the economic situation and its forecasts. In this opportunity, we will focus on the most relevant macroeconomic balances: external and fiscal.
The BBVA Forum is a quarterly event aimed at the bank's clients. In each edition, we present a summary of our global and national economic outlook as a contribution to their short- and medium-term financial decisions.