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    Agustín García
    Agustín García
    BBVA Research - Lead Economist

    Agustín García Serrador joined the Europe Unit of BBVA Research in June 2008. He is currently Lead Economist of the Modeling cluster, where he is responsible for the development and coordination of econometric models for economic analysis. He is also involved in the macroeconomic analysis of the eurozone as a whole and helps analyze the main factors and ensure consistency in relation to the global outlook.

    Previously, he held the post of macroeconomic coordinator of BIAM at the Flores de Lemus Institute in Carlos III University in Madrid and was also professor of Macroeconometrics and Applied Economy at CEU San Pablo University. He has also taught on masters programs at both these universities. He has undertaken research in macroeconometrics and monetary and fiscal policy in the eurozone, with publications in Applied Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics and Journal of Forecasting.

    He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and obtained a National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance in 2002. He received the Diploma for Advanced Studies from CEU San Pablo University, for which he was also awarded the 2004 Youth Prize from the Complutense University of Madrid.

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