
BBVA Research

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Social Security affiliation fell by 193,700, and unemployment increased by 21,900 due to seasonal factors. After adjusting for this factor, it is estimated that the number of contributors rose by 23,000, while the unemployed decreased by 4,500. The percentage of affiliates with temporary contracts increased marginally.

The slowdown in credit growth started to become more pronounced towards the end of 2Q24 with tight monetary policy and more restrictive macroprudential measures. TL and FC credit growth levels came below the regulatory thresholds.

Formal employment grew by 2.0% year-on-year in July, similar to the previous month but 0.2 percentage points below the forecast. A moderate improvement is expected in the coming months. Permanent employment has shown resilience, with 322 thousa…

DiGiX aims to capture the global evolution of digitization by monitoring this pheonomenon across 98 countries. Our index combines 24 variables grouped in six dimensions that represent three pillars: supply (infrastructure and costs), demand (us…

July national inflation was, as expected, the lowest of the year (4.0% m/m, 263.4% y/y). It was in line with market forecasts (BBVA: 4.1% m/m, Central Bank consensus: 3.9% m/m), although slightly above the Central Bank's forecast (3.7% m/m).

There is still no clear indication of a severe slowdown in the labor market, though it has weakened more than it initially appears. The slower rate of job creation, coupled with frequent downward adjustments to monthly employment figures, suggests a labor market that remains robust but not excessively tight.

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Our most recent publications

This note analyzes financial inclusion based on the historical behavior of the number of accounts and the balances of savings accounts (savings, transactional accounts, payroll accounts, and term deposits) at the national and state level with information as of the end of 2024Q2.

Netanyahu defies internal pressure and insists on military solutions. Harris leads in polls of US elections. Germany's far right got significant victory.

Consumer prices rose by %2.47 m/m in August, higher than our expectation (2.2%) and consensus (2.3%). As a result, annual consumer inflation came down to 51.9% from 61.8% previously. We forecast inflation trend to improve; reaching 1.5-2% month…

In the second quarter of 2024, the current account deficit stood at 1.6% of GDP, the lowest level since 2009. FDI fell to 2.75% of GDP, though it was sufficient to finance the deficit. The deficit is expected to close 2024 at around 3% of GDP.

Social Security affiliation fell by 193,700, and unemployment increased by 21,900 due to seasonal factors. After adjusting for this factor, it is estimated that the number of contributors rose by 23,000, while the unemployed decreased by 4,500.…

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