
BBVA Research

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The slowdown in credit growth started to become more pronounced towards the end of 2Q24 with tight monetary policy and more restrictive macroprudential measures. TL and FC credit growth levels came below the regulatory thresholds.

Formal employment grew by 2.0% year-on-year in July, similar to the previous month but 0.2 percentage points below the forecast. A moderate improvement is expected in the coming months. Permanent employment has shown resilience, with 322 thousand new positions this year.

DiGiX aims to capture the global evolution of digitization by monitoring this pheonomenon across 98 countries. Our index combines 24 variables grouped in six dimensions that represent three pillars: supply (infrastructure and costs), demand (us…

July national inflation was, as expected, the lowest of the year (4.0% m/m, 263.4% y/y). It was in line with market forecasts (BBVA: 4.1% m/m, Central Bank consensus: 3.9% m/m), although slightly above the Central Bank's forecast (3.7% m/m).

There is still no clear indication of a severe slowdown in the labor market, though it has weakened more than it initially appears. The slower rate of job creation, coupled with frequent downward adjustments to monthly employment figures, sugge…

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July inflation was 0.28% m/m. The result is explained by the increase in the prices of some foods, especially poultry products and tubers, which was explained by supply factors. With this result, the interannual inflation rate stood at 2.0% in August.

Remittances have been volatile over the past five months. Increases have been reported in two of them (April and June, even months) and declines in three months (March, May and July, odd months). In August, the peso depreciated 5.4%, so the next remittance report is expected to show growth.

Turkish economy grew by 0.1% q/q and 2.5% y/y in 2Q24. Significant revisions in both 2023 and 1Q24 resulted in a moderation of the quarterly growth path with 0.1% growth in 2Q24 after 1.4% in 1Q24 (vs. 2.4% before revision) in contrast with our…

The year 2023 ended with a declining banking sector marked by the contraction of credit and the slowdown in deposits due to the ECB's restrictive monetary policy. However, the easing of interest rates and this monetary policy in 2024 has improv…

The national unemployment rate stood at 9.9% in July, up from 9.6% in July 2023. Seasonally adjusted, July's rate was down from June and below the average level of the first half of the year, showing an improvement in the labour market.

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