
BBVA Research

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Since 2021 housing starts have been lower than homes created. Factors that could limit housing supply include a shortage of land ready to start new developments, regulatory uncertainty and labor shortages. Measures are needed to boost residential construction and rental supply.

The labor productivity gap between Spain and the eurozone has expanded over the past decade, despite higher gains in value added per hour and per worker in Spain since 2022.

The EU's aspirations for sustainability, competitiveness, and resilience hinge on its ability to close the innovation gap with the US in disruptive technologies. This requires a dual approach: significantly increasing targeted public funding an…

There is still no clear indication of a severe slowdown in the labor market, though it has weakened more than it initially appears. The slower rate of job creation, coupled with frequent downward adjustments to monthly employment figures, sugge…

Formal employment in Mexico continues decelerating, growing 2.2% in May 2024, 0.2 percentage points lower than the previous month. Job creation is expected to pick up in the third quarter but at a slower pace than in 2023.

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Following reassuring inflation data in the inter-meeting period, FOMC members likely regained some confidence in the disinflationary process. FOMC participants might be inclined to suggest a September rate cut, but a strong signal at Jackson Hole next month is more likely.

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The production of liquid hydrocarbons of Pemex in the second quarter of 2024 vs. the previous quarter showed a decrement of 36.1 thousand barrels a day mainly due to a lower production of superlight crude oil plus condensates and heavy and light crude oil by 17.6 thousand and 16.6 thousand barrels a day, respectively.

The indebtedness of the private sector remains below that of peer countries, though signs of deterioration in NPL ratios started to be seen. Banks’ FC liquid assets are solid enough to cover their ST external debt. FC credit evolution and swap …

This year has witnessed the convergence of several sources of uncertainty within the financial and commodity markets. These factors have caused high volatility in the price of oil, which has fluctuated, in the year to date, between 75.7 and 91.…

Since 2013, labor productivity in the construction sector, measured as GVA per hour worked in real terms, has fallen by more than 20%. In comparison, the growth in the same indicator for all sectors is 5%.

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